Saturday, June 5, 2010

NYS Microstamping Bill...

...passsed out of the Assembly not too long ago. Now it's headed to the Senate. SB6005 is a nefarious bill that will do NOTHING to stop criminals from getting guns and using them illegally. What it will do is destroy our Second Amendment rights (what's left of them, anyway) in New York State. It will further destroy New York State's economy when Kimber is forced to lay off its workforce and move out of state.

Every years, this bill keeps popping up, and every year, it gets defeated. Let's do it once again, people. Those who know the value of freedom knows that it took men who did unspeakable things to win this freedom for us and for future generations. Bills like this, if they become law, will just be another nail in the coffin where our freedom is laying.


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